A textual analysis of the Fundamental Principles of the Italian Constitution
Presentation by di Gian Marco Farese, ANU, Canberra Introduction by H.E. Pier Francesco Zazo, Ambassador of Italy in Australia In 1946, after 85 years of monarchy and 20 years of Fascism, Italy became a democratic Republic as a result of the first universal suffrage referendum to have ever taken place in the country. During the […]
Read moreMardi Gras Film Festival: Me, Myself & Her
Marina and Federica have a stable relationship and have been living together for five years. Marina is a former actress and a successful entrepreneur who has always been aware of her homosexuality, but for reasons connected to her business has been waiting for some time to come out. Federica is an architect, has been married, […]
Read moreOn Wings of Song
Alessandra Cantin (soprano) and Massimo Scattolin (guitar) Vivacissimo! 2017. Yearly music program of the Italian Cultural Institute in Sydney The Italian Cultural Institute is pleased to introduce the first concert of the Vivacissimo! 2017 series with dramatic soprano Alessandra Cantin and guitarist Massimo Scattolin, who will present songs from the CD On Wings of […]
Read moreGalileo Galilei: The Man who Stopped the Sun
A talk by Francesca Battista Galileo Galilei can probably be considered the best known Italian scientist in the world. Universally known as the father of modern science, through his studies Galileo sanctioned the universality of the relationship between cause and effect in scientific research. One of the greatest scientists in the history of humanity, […]
Read morePizzica Pizzica and tarantella wokshop at the Australian Museum
Within the “Spiders Alive & Deadly” exhibition As part of the Spiders Alive & Deadly exhibition dedicated to spiders currently held at the Australian Museum, the museum will organize a whole series di events under the title Culture Up Late. On the 1st of February 2017, among other initiatives, Italian dancer and dance teacher Rosa […]
Read moreAZZBAND
World music group at the Illawarra Folk Festival and Camelot Lounge Azzband, an international world music group based in Valladolid, Spain, is touring Australia for the first time and is performing at the Illawarra Folk Festival, held every year in January in Bulli, just outside Wollongong, and at Camelot Lounge in Marrickville, Sydney. The music […]
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