Waystage Level
A2.1 (25 hours)
Course contents
Topics – unit 1: shopping; unit 2: ‘when I was a kid …’
Grammar – revision of previous contents, the verb piacere, direct pronouns, imperative mode (2nd person), comparatives, imperfect indicative, the use of present perfect and imperfect, the particle ci, alteration of nouns.
Course outcomes
By the end of this course, learners will be able to:
1. read texts, listen and comprehend audio-visual sources about clothes and its related vocabulary, memories and habits in the past.
2. talk about clothes, tastes and preferences, express doubts, ask for advice and provide suggestions regarding clothes and fashion, talk about memories, describe situations, take a position in favour of or against something.
This course is for those who have a knowledge of Italian language which enables them to access this course’s contents or for those who need to revise language contents from this level.
Textbook and materials
Maria Balì and Irene Dei, Nuovo espresso 2. Libro dello studente e esercizi. Corso di italiano A2. Con CD-Audio: A2 (Firenze: Alma, 2017). Units 1-2.
A2.2 (25 hours)
Course contents
Topics – unit 3: describing someone from a physical and behavioural point of view; unit 4: accepting and refusing invitations
Grammar – revision of previous contents, né … né, pronominal verbs, the comparative quanto/come, the present conditional, qualcuno/nessuno, stare + gerundive, direct pronouns + avere, agreement between past participle endings and direct pronouns, indirect and direct pronouns + infinitive, relative pronouns.
Course outcomes
By the end of this course, learners will be able to:
1. read texts, listen and comprehend audio-visual sources about physical and behavioural description of individuals, on cultural and social events.
2. describe individuals from a physical and behavioural point of view, talk about the organisation of social events, refuse and accept an invitation, make a proposal, accept and refuse a proposal, express wishes, book a theatre ticket.
This course is for those who have a knowledge of Italian language which enables them to access this course’s contents or for those who need to revise language contents from this level.
Textbook and materials
Maria Balì and Irene Dei, Nuovo espresso 2. Libro dello studente e esercizi. Corso di italiano A2. Con CD-Audio: A2 (Firenze: Alma, 2017). Units 3-4.
A2.3 (25 hours)
Course contents
Topics – unit 5: travelling; unit 6: at the table
Grammar – revision of previous contents, the imperfect indicative of volere, the present perfect of sapere and conoscere, the use of present perfect and imperfect indicative, the verb volerci, the verb servire, the irregular imperative and the negative imperative at the second singular person, the position of the pronoun with the imperative mode.
Course outcomes
By the end of this course, learners will be able to:
1. read texts, listen and comprehend audio-visual sources about holidays and holiday habits, travelling, eating habits, food and health.
2. talk about travelling habits and preferences, ask and obtain information while travelling, express surprise, ask about the duration of a trip, talk about eating healthily, talk about interaction on social media, talk about food and eating habits.
This course is for those who have a knowledge of Italian language which enables them to access this course’s contents or for those who need to revise language contents from this level.
Textbook and materials
Maria Balì and Irene Dei, Nuovo espresso 2. Libro dello studente e esercizi. Corso di italiano A2. Con CD-Audio: A2 (Firenze: Alma, 2017). Units 5-6.
A2.4 (25 hours)
Course contents
Topics – unit 7: health, symptoms and body anatomy; unit 8: world of work
Grammar – revision of previous contents, the imperative and the negative imperative with the formal and plural pronouns, the position of pronouns with the imperative mode, the comparative and superlative of buono and bene, the simple future, bisogna, hypothetical period (type 1).
Course outcomes
By the end of this course, learners will be able to:
1. read texts, listen and comprehend audio-visual sources about health issues, sports and its related vocabulary, future plans, job offers, world of work.
2. communicate about health issues, describe symptoms, provide suggestions on health and sport activities, talk about sport activities, talk about future plans, express wishes and intentions, write a job application, talk about a job and about work conditions.
This course is for those who have a knowledge of Italian language which enables them to access this course’s contents or for those who need to revise language contents from this level.
Textbook and materials
Maria Balì and Irene Dei, Nuovo espresso 2. Libro dello studente e esercizi. Corso di italiano A2. Con CD-Audio: A2 (Firenze: Alma, 2017). Units 7-8.