News of interest regarding the organisation and functioning of Italian Universities can be found in the section of the site of the Ministry of University Education and Research (Ministero dell’Istruzione dell’Università e della Ricerca – MIUR)
How and where to find them
Complete lists of the universities are found through:
- The search engine of the MIUR
- A map of Italy provided by the University of Bologna
- The page dedicated to the CRUI (Conferenza dei Rettori delle Università Italiane- Conference of Italian University Chancellors)
Enrolment of international students
International students interested in carrying out studies at Italian Universities will find useful information about available placements though the Cineca search engine and in a specially provided section of the MIUR site.
Accommodation for foreign students, scholarship holders or researchers at university residences recognized by M.I.U.R.
CCU University residences represent highly competitive solutions in terms of quality/price and are located in 14 Italian cities.
Within CCU the eccellence of the Fondazione RUI ( and Camplus ( colleges deserve a special mention.
Please note that the Italian Cultural Institute in Sydney can not be held responsible for any possible inconvenience or discomfort experienced by the interested party while staying at one of these residences.
General information on the Italian school system and other useful information can be found at the site of the Ministry of University Education and Research (Ministero dell’Istruzione dell’Università e della Ricerca – MIUR).
How and where to find them
A complete list of schools of every level and kind can be found using the following search engines:
The complete list of academies, conservatories and Institutes of Specialized Artistic and Musical Training
- ITALS project – Department of Linguistic Sciences at the Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia
- DITALS– Certification of competence in the didactics of Italian to International students – Università per Stranieri di Siena
- Degree in the teaching of Italian language and culture to International students – Università per Stranieri di Perugia
EDUITALIA – Italian Association of Qualified Schools, Academies and Universities that offers courses to foreign students
Eduitalia International Education