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Bandi di gara e contratti

PRIVACY POLICY of the Istituto Italiano di Cultura in Sydney



19 December 2022

On today’s date, a CALL FOR TENDER has been issued for the sourcing and managing of teachers of Italian language courses at the Institute (2023). A downloadable list of documents relating to the Call for Tender is available below in .pdf format:

  1. Director’s statement (Determina, in Italian)
  2. RUP’s statement’s statement (Determina, in Italian)
  3. Call for Tender
  4. Annexure A – Request to participate
  5. Annexure B – Requirements
  6. Annexure C – Privacy (EU Regulation 2016/679, art. 13)
  7. Annexure D – Monetary offer
  8. Report No. 24 – Verification of the deadline for the submission of the offers
  9. Report No. 25 – Opening of envelopes
  10. Report No. 26 – Provisional tender award
  11. Report No. 27 – Final tender award
  12. 2023 IIC – ILCA Agreement

For any further information contact:

Tel.: 02 9261 1780


Call for tenders for the assignment of the administrative management service for teaching staff at the Institute (2020)

  1. Appointment RUP for tender
  2. Director’s statement (Determina, in Italian)
  3. Market survey
  4. Expression of interest form
  5. Expression of interest from ILCA (Italian Language and Culture Association Inc.)
  6. Letter of invitation
  7. Decree of adjudication of tender
  8. Service agreement IIC – ILCA
  9. Approval of agreement
  10. Memorandum of start of service

For any further information contact:

Tel.: 02 9261 1780


Call for tenders for the assignment of the administrative management service for teaching staff at the Institute (2018)

  1. Director’s statement (Determina, in Italian)
  2. Market survey
  3. Expression of interest form
  4. Expression of interest from ILCA (Italian Language and Culture Association Inc.)
  5. Memorandum of offers received
  6. Letter of invitation
  7. Economic and technical offer
  8. Memorandum of adjudication
  9. Service agreement IIC – ILCA
  10. Approval of agreement
  11. Memorandum of start of service

For any further information contact:

Tel.: 02 9261 1780

Latest update: 4 May 2023